
How it works

Create your gift icon

Create your gift

Personalise your gift with a gift card and special memory.

Send your gift icon

Send your gift

Once the gift’s been claimed, it’ll be invested and locked till they turn 18.

Your gift's invested icon

Your gift’s invested!

Once the gift’s been claimed, it’ll be invested and locked till they turn 18.

Track your gifts

Track your gifts

See all your gifts and send more for future occasions via our app.

Gifting Reimagined

Gifts as great as they are

Send a gift
Gifts as great as they are - image
Prosper - Gift wealth, not waste image

Gift wealth, not waste

Learn about our investments

Money doesn’t have to be impersonal

Send a gift
Money doesn’t have to be impersonal

Gifting that’s meaningful
& has tax benefits

Remember, what you’re taxed depends on your own personal situation, and that can change in the future. We don’t provide any financial or tax advice, and anything we write in our guides is to only give you a helping hand. If you’re unsure speak to a professional financial or tax adviser.

Peace of mind with Prosper

We’re transparent

No hidden fees. No complicated pricing.

We charge a flat “platform fee” of 0.50% to manage your investments. There’s then an additional 0.20%-0.29%, depending on what investments you pick (paid to BlackRock and/or Vanguard).

That’s an annual fee of around £7.90 if you invest £1,000 with us.

Our pricing

We’re protected

Up to £85,000 of your money is covered by the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) should WealthKernel (our Principal Firm) become insolvent.

Our investments
Prosper icon - Empower our families

We’re parents

We like to keep things in the family.

We’re an app built by parents for families. So, we understand your niggles and your ambitions when it comes to your little ones.

And we understand just how priceless peace of mind is.

Happy days.

Meet the team

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Prosper do?

Prosper is an app created to help parents invest for their children's futures with the support of their close family & friends. We offer investment products like Junior Stocks & Shares ISAs, Bare Trusts and General Investment Accounts which you can use to invest money for your child's or another child's future.

We also allow family members to gift money directly into Junior ISAs (as well as leave a message and a picture for the child to see when they're older) without the hassle of sharing bank details.

Which details do I need to send a gift?

We’ve made it easy for you to send a gift to a child that means the world to you. All you need to provide is the name of the child, the name of their parent along with their contact number and e-mail address. We'll also need your payment details too so that we can get your gift paid into your loved one’s account. You'll then be given a unique link that you can send to the parent so they can claim your gift.

Don't worry, we'll also send them reminders along the way so they don't forget.

What happens to the money I gift?

The money you gift will be invested in a Junior Stocks and Shares ISA in an investment fund or ETF selected by the parents of the child. This will be from a range of investment funds we offer. You can find out more information about the investments  here.

When can the child use the money that I gift?

Any money gifted into a Junior ISA is locked until the child turns 18. That means no withdrawals by the child (and of course the parents) before then. At the age of 18 the Junior ISA turns in to an adult ISA which the child gets full access to. They'll be able to withdraw any gifts you sent to spend as they like or continue investing it for future goals.

My friend doesn't have a Prosper account. Can I send them a gift?

Of course. You can send a gift to anyone regardless of whether they have a Prosper account or not. If they don't have one, they'll be promoted to open one before claiming the gift but they can do this in just a few minutes.

What happens if my gift doesn't get claimed?

If your gift isn't claimed in 10 business days you'll get a full refund (including the £3 fee) straight back in to your account. This can take up to 5 business days to process.
You'll be able to send another gift if you wanted to do so.

Are there any fees to send a gift?

There is a flat £3 transaction fee associated with sending any gift on Prosper regardless of the size. This is used to cover the payment processing as well as investing costs that we incur when you gift. It also helps us improve the quality of service we offer you and the families investing for their children's futures with Prosper.

Build your financial future, together!

Get started

Prosper is a trading name of GetProsper Ltd, applying to be an Appointed Representative of WealthKernel Limited (FCA ref no. 723719), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
GetProsper Ltd is registered in England and Wales, no.14992849, with a registered office at 124-128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

Nothing we write on this website should be seen as financial advice. Any investment is a risk. You might end up with more than you put in – or you might end up with less. What you’re taxed depends on your own personal situation, and that can change in the future. If you’re not sure if investing is right for you, then it might make sense to speak to a professional financial adviser.

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