Annual platform fee (0.50%)
We charge a small fee for administering your investments.
We take this straight from your Prosper account and it is used so that we can offer the investment services available on our app.
It is also used to help us continuously improve our products and the app to bring you the best possible investment experience.
Annual fund charges (0.20%-0.29%)
The fund managers (Blackrock and/or Vanguard) who manage your investment funds have their own fees.
These are paid directly to them through your investment funds and are not taken from your Prosper account.
We believe that keeping costs low is the best way to grow your family’s wealth so we always offer low-cost funds.
For full transparency, here’s how the fees are calculated.
(Fund charges)
The table is intended as an example only. It is based on the most expensive investment funds we could offer (Water World). The fee is charged as a percentage of the total value of your investments, so it goes up and down in line with the value of your investments. Your Prosper fees are collected monthly. When you invest with Prosper, we buy and sell assets on your behalf. The average market spread is simply the difference between the buy and sell price of an investment. These can vary, but the highest spread for the investment funds we offer is 0.05%. This is not charged to your Prosper account but is instead reflected in the value of your investments.